VPP-WARD's dissemination involve a diverse range of initiatives to promote the project's findings and engage with relevant stakeholders. These activities include creating a dedicated website, organizing workshops, seminars, and a summer school, participating in conferences, publishing scientific papers in journals and conferences, distributing multimedia materials, interacting with broader communities, and various other endeavors.
Workshops and Senimars
The VPP-WARD project aims to foster collaboration and innovation by organizing workshops and seminars that serve as valuable platforms for exchanging ideas and establishing new research initiatives with key stakeholders.
More information will be provided soon.
Conference and
Journal Publications
The VPP-WARD project is committed to promptly sharing its research outcomes by publishing them in international conferences and journals. This ensures that our research findings are disseminated in a timely manner to a wide audience.
As the project progresses, a publication list will be provided.
Summer School
One Summer School offering training courses will be organised for research students and early-stage researchers. This will foster effective knowledge and skill transfer from experenced researcher to early career researchers, and help identify new research challenges and directions.
More information will be provided in due course.